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The Importance of Security Service Edge (SSE) For Integrated, Cloud-Delivered Solutions

by Chris Brook on Thursday September 12, 2024

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Security Service Edge (SSE) is a cybersecurity concept that delivers key security capabilities from a cloud-based platform. Read this blog to learn more about what SSE comprises, use cases, and its advantages.

With an increasingly broad attack surface to defend, organizations must embrace integrated cloud cybersecurity concepts to fortify their systems spread through different application endpoints. 


The security service edge provides critical security solutions that allow safe remote access to web, software-as-a-service, and other cloud-based platforms. 

What Is Security Service Edge (SSE)?

Security Service Edge (SSE) is a cybersecurity concept that involves delivering key security capabilities from a cloud-based platform. These capabilities typically include services such as Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA), Secure Web Gateways (SWG), Cloud Access Security Brokers (CASB), and Firewall-as-a-Service (FWaaS). 


SSE is implemented to secure access to the web, software-as-a-service (SaaS) applications, and private applications, regardless of users' location or devices. The underlying principle is to move security enforcement as close as possible to the point of access or collection and deliver it from the cloud to achieve optimal performance and scalability. 


In summary, SSE is a cloud-centric solution designed to consolidate various security functions into a single platform to provide improved accessibility, visibility, and response to potential security threats.

Why Is SSE Important?

Security Services Edge (SSE) is crucial for several reasons:

  • Rapid Digital Transformation: As companies rapidly shift to cloud-based operations and adopt digital technologies, establishing robust cybersecurity measures is imperative to keeping an organization's digital assets secure.
  • Increasing Cybersecurity Threats: Cyberspace is plagued by increasingly sophisticated threats. SSE offers a consolidated security solution to effectively combat and prevent these cyber threats.
  • Remote and Hybrid Workforce: The trend towards a remote and hybrid workforce means secure access control to organizational resources from various locations and devices is needed. SSE helps to make this possible, offering security solutions that can easily adapt to these changes.
  • Network Visibility: SSE provides visibility and control over network traffic, helping organizations mitigate risks by identifying potentially malicious activity.
  • Simplified Security Management: By consolidating key security services into a single platform, SSE simplifies security infrastructure management, saving organizations time and resources.
  • Scalability: As organizations grow and their needs change, SSE can scale to provide consistent security services, making it a future-proof solution.

How Does SSE Work?

A Security Service Edge (SSE) system works by combining several core security services, such as Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB), Secure Web Gateway (SWG), Firewall as a Service (FWaaS), and Zero-Trust Network Access (ZTNA).


These components constitute the security aspects of a broader Secure Access Service Edge (SASE) framework when combined with network components like Software-Defined Wide Area Networking (SD-WAN). Together, they help protect organizations and their data, regardless of where employees or devices are connecting from.


Here's how each component works within an SSE framework:

  • Zero-Trust Network Access (ZTNA): This principle is based on the concept of "never trust, always verify." It involves verifying the identities of every user trying to access the network and only granting them access to the resources they need to perform their job. ZTNA provides detailed policy enforcement based on user, location, device, and application information and replaces traditional technology like virtual private networks (VPNs).
  • Secure Web Gateway (SWG): SWGs act as filters and firewalls for web traffic. They analyze web requests and determine whether to allow or block access based on predefined security policies. This prevents users from accessing potentially harmful or unsecured websites and prevents downloads that could contain malware or other security risks.
  • Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB): CASBs sit between the cloud service user and the cloud applications to enforce security policy. They monitor activity and enforce security policies across multiple cloud services. They help prevent data leakage and ensure data compliance with regulations by providing visibility and control over user activities and sensitive data across cloud applications.
  • Firewall as a Service (FWaaS): A cloud-based firewall service that provides protection across the network, applications, and data. It enables businesses to enforce their security policies across all parts of their corporate network. FWaaS supports all firewall capabilities, including traffic decryption and inspection, intrusion detection and prevention, and URL filtering.

What Are the Challenges That SSE Addresses?

Security Service Edge (SSE) addresses several key challenges that modern organizations face in terms of cybersecurity:

  • Decentralized Workforce: With more employees working remotely, traditional security measures focused around a centralized workspace become irrelevant. SSE offers secure access to company resources regardless of the user's location.
  • Cloud Adoption: As more businesses turn to cloud services, ensuring the security of the data stored and processed in these environments becomes paramount. SSE solutions provide cloud-based security capabilities like CASB that allow safe and controlled use of cloud services.
  • Increased Demand for Mobility: With the proliferation of mobile devices, organizations need to ensure secure access from multiple and varied endpoints. SSE solutions can employ Zero Trust models for stringent multi-factor authentication, regardless of the device or network being used.
  • Data Security and Compliance: SSE can protect sensitive data across different applications and platforms. It also aids in maintaining compliance with various regulations, thanks to its ability to monitor, log and control access.   
  • Complexity in Security Infrastructure: Companies often have to manage multiple and disparate security solutions that require separate maintenance and updates, leading to inefficiency and potential security gaps. An SSE consolidates various security functionalities - such as ZTNA, CASB, and SWG - into a single, cloud-based platform, simplifying management and reducing complexity.
  • Network Performance: Traditional security solutions often add latency, hindering network performance. As a cloud-based model, SSE optimizes the user experience by enforcing security policies at the edge closer to the user, reducing lag and improving performance. 
  • Rapid Detection and Response: Due to the growing sophistication of cyber attacks, enterprises need to be able to detect and respond to threats quickly. SSE's capabilities in continuous monitoring and real-time threat detection facilitate quick reaction and mitigation of potential cybersecurity incidents.
  • Scaling Security: As businesses grow and evolve, so do their security needs. The cloud-based nature of SSE allows for easy scaling of security services to match business needs.

The Advantages of SSE Over Traditional Network Security

  • Reduced Complexity: One of the main benefits of Security Service Edge (SSE) is its ability to simplify security systems. Traditional network security often employs a variety of distinct systems that need to be managed separately. In contrast, SSE integrates several security functions into one platform, reducing the need for multiple systems and interfaces, simplifying management and operations.
  • Enhanced Security: SSE solutions make use of modern security functions like Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA), Secure Web Gateway (SWG), and Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB), which provide more robust and comprehensive protection than traditional methods. 
  • Scalability: SSE is a cloud-based solution, making it easier to scale as an organization grows or as its needs change. Traditional hardware-based solutions can limit scalability and demand significant effort and costs to upgrade.
  • Remote Access and Mobility: With the rise of remote work, the ability to secure access from anywhere has become crucial. SSE technologies can effectively protect remote workers and mobile devices, a scenario where traditional security measures might fall short.
  • Reduced Costs: By consolidating multiple security functions into a single platform, organizations can potentially reduce overall costs associated with purchasing, deploying, and maintaining separate solutions for each security function.
  • Swift Threat Response: SSE can quickly detect and respond to threats across all network traffic with real-time, centralized visibility and control.
  • Enhanced Performance: By processing security functions in the cloud, SSE can reduce the performance impact on user devices, leading to a better user experience compared to traditional security solutions that rely on device processing power. 
  • Compliance: SSE offers enhanced compliance features, automatically applying policy controls and fulfilling regulatory guidelines, a task often convoluted in a traditional network security model.

What Are SSE Use Cases?

  • Remote Workforce: With the rise of remote work, SSE provides secure and seamless connectivity for employees located anywhere in the world. SSE's Zero Trust Network Access (ZTNA) component allows organizations to maintain security even when employees are not within the traditional network perimeter.
  • Cloud Migration: As businesses move their operations to the cloud, SSE ensures secure access to these new environments. The Cloud Access Security Broker (CASB) feature provides visibility and enforcement of security policies across all cloud services.
  • Application Level Control: SSE allows organizations to exercise application-level control, only giving access to the applications necessary for an individual to do their job, reducing the potential attack surface.
  • Securing IoT Devices: As the number of IoT devices in use continues to rise, so does the need for comprehensive security measures. SSE can secure the connection between these devices and the cloud, protecting sensitive data from potential breaches.
  • Consolidation of Security Functions: Organizations with an array of separate security services can turn to SSE to consolidate these functions into one platform. This simplifies security management and ensures uniform implementation of security policies.
  • Enhancing Compliance: SSE can ensure compliance with relevant legislation for organizations operating in regulated industries. Its ability to monitor and control data across all web and cloud services can help prevent data breaches and the resulting fines.
  • Protection Against Web-based Threats: SSE's Secure Web Gateway (SWG) component provides robust protection against web-based threats, ensuring that employees can safely use the web for their work.
  • Scale and Agility: Businesses can scale up or down their security services as needed without significant investments in infrastructure or integration efforts. 
  • BYOD Scenarios: When employees use their personal devices for work purposes, SSE helps enforce appropriate use policies and data protection standards, thereby reducing the risk of security breaches on these often vulnerable endpoints.

Embrace Endpoint-To-Cloud Protection With Digital Guardian

SSE's importance lies in its ability to provide comprehensive, scalable, adaptable, and efficient security solutions in an increasingly digital and cloud-oriented business landscape.


Fortra's Digital Guardian understands how to help you migrate from depreciated traditional office networks to embrace cloud-based cybersecurity solutions that protect sensitive data wherever it may reside.

Contact us to learn more or speak with an expert from our team.

Tags:  Cloud Security Data Protection

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