Digital Guardian Named A Top Player in the Most Recent Data Loss Prevention Market Quadrant
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Digital Guardian has been named a “Top Player” in The Radicati Group’s Data Loss Prevention Market Quadrant, which the most up to date market quadrant for enterprise DLP in the industry.
With more employees working remotely than ever before, organizations are increasingly deploying data loss prevention solutions as an effective way to see, regulate, and protect their business' most sensitive data.
In fact, the surge in telework, increasingly sophisticated threats to data like ransomware and advanced persistent threats, and new compliance regulations, like the European General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) and the California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA) have all contributed to a growing adoption of DLP of late.
While data loss prevention has long been a keystone of a successful data protection program, buyers looking to make strategic purchasing decisions and learn more about enterprise DLP solutions have been looking for new guidance to break down all of today’s options on the market.
We're pleased to share that Digital Guardian has been named a "Top Player" in data loss prevention in The Radicati Group’s Market Quadrant for Data Loss Prevention, 2019, the latest Market Quadrant for IT buyers and those in charge of securing sensitive data to make informed decisions around data protection.
Radicati's Magic Quadrant, which breaks down today’s data loss prevention market, is designed to give individuals an idea of where vendors fit in the industry today. The MQ is comprised of four sections: Top Players, Trail Blazers, Specialists, and Mature Players.
The report named Digital Guardian a “Top Player,” praising our cross-platform functionality – we provide comprehensive data protection across Windows, Linux, and OS X - our ability to support a broad range of integrations, and our ability to protect sensitive data against both internal and external threats.
The report also validates the cybersecurity industry's renewed interest in DLP, noting that spending on DLP solutions is expected to pivot from $1.2 billion in 2019 to $2.3 billion by 2023.
For IT buyers looking to learn more about the changing dynamics in today’s data loss prevention market, it’s worth reiterating that this report is the latest Market Quadrant for enterprise DLP. The report also includes other vendor profiles, strengths, and weaknesses, in addition to inclusion, exclusion, and evaluation criteria.
Read the report now to learn more about Digital Guardian and to get Radicati’s take on the changing DLP landscape.
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