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Virtual Cybersecurity Events in 2020

by Juliana De Groot on Thursday May 21, 2020

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Many infosec conferences are going virtual in 2020 due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Is your favorite conference going virtual? Check out our list of events and update your calendar!

Conferences are important events in almost every industry, giving professionals the opportunity to learn about new developments, get valuable insights from leading experts, and network with other professionals. In few fields do conferences play as important a role as they do in information security. This ever-changing industry places high demands on professionals to stay abreast of the latest best practices, trends, and research findings that impact their day-to-day responsibilities and help them perform at their best.

Information security conferences take place all over the world, with events happening year round. We originally created this list in 2015 and update it each year to reflect current events and up-to-date information. However, in the midst of the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020, many conferences and events have been canceled or postponed, while others have opted to move to a virtual delivery model. So, rather than update our list of in-person conferences and events in the midst of uncertainty, we've compiled a list of virtual cybersecurity events you can atttend from the comfort of your home or office.

The following virtual events are not ranked in terms of value or importance, but instead are listed chronologically, beginning with events that take place in May 2020. Event series with multiple dates are listed last, not to be interpreted as being of less value than those listed towards the beginning of the list. Be sure to visit event websites for specifics and registration information for 2020. Events that have not yet taken place in 2020 include the most up-to-date information available at the time of writing.

Virtual Cybersecurity Events for 2020:

1. AirGap 2020
May 2, 2020

AirGap 2020

A free virtual conference brought to you by ThugCrowd, AirGap 2020 streams live on Twitch to your personal sandbox. The conference focuses on "weird bugs and unconventional approaches to offensive security." Presentations are held over eight hours in 30- and 60-minute blocks, and a Capture the Flag event takes place for the duration of the conference. Other opportunities include the Ch0pp3d hack-a-thon, ThugCrowd's well-known twitch2shell event, and a Big-Iron security panel featuring prominent mainframe security experts.

Cost to Attend: Free

2. Secure360 Twin Cities
May 5-6, 2020

Secure360 Twin Cities

COVID-19 can't keep the Secure360 conference down. The 15th anniversary of the Secure360 conference is held virtually, offering many of the same opportunities attendees are accustomed to during the usual face-to-face events. Hear from a range of knowledgeable speakers and listen to as many sessions as you want – sessions are recorded, so even if you miss a presentation you really wanted to hear, registrants get unlimited access to every session after the event is over. You can even attend a virtual tradeshow to check out the sponsors. And, you'll still get CPE credits, just as you would if you were attending Secure360 live.

Cost to Attend:

  • Regular Attendees: $699
  • UMSA Members: $649

3. 2020 Virtual Canada Cyber Summit
May 5-8, 2020

2020 Virtual Canada Cyber Summit

The 2020 Virtual Canada Cyber Summit is brought to you by the High Technology Crime Investigation Association (HTCIA), one of the oldest high technology crimes non-profit organizations. The event moved to a virtual delivery model in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Attendees have full access to an attendee hub, with 16 lectures and programming spread out over four days. Registered attendees can watch sessions live and can also watch programming on demand. Program sponsors also have the opportunity to showcase their programs and interact online with attendees, and there's also a Vendor Showcase for exhibitors to showcase their offerings.

Cost to Attend:

  • HTCIA Member Rate: $75
  • Non-Member Rate (includes one year of membership): $175
  • Student Rate: $50

4. GitHub Satellite
May 6, 2020

GitHub Satellite

GitHub Satellite 2020, GitHub's annual international product and community event, takes place on May 6, 2020. You can watch the whole 12-hour live stream on the website or browse through two tracks – Work and Play – to find the sessions of interest to you. CEO Nat Friedman delivers the keynote session, and you can also check out a variety of lightning talks to pick up tips from developers and GitHub partners covering everything from detecting vulnerabilities to automating with Actions and more. View the on-demand workshops to get hands-on with GitHub Actions, integrations, and security tools in 90-minute, expert-led workshops.

Cost to Attend: Free

5. LevelUp 0x06
May 9, 2020

LevelUp 0x06

Bugcrowd's live information security conference is conducted online through YouTube, Twitch, and Discord. Learn from speakers presenting cutting-edge insights on cybersecurity, security research, and bug bounties. Sessions cover topics ranging from career and professional tips and tricks to automotive hacking tricks, personal accounts of offensive hacking, and the latest tools and technologies.

Cost to Attend: Free

6. SANS Security West 2020
May 11-16, 2020

SANS Security West 2020

SANS Security West is one of the leading cybersecurity conferences, and the 2020 event goes virtual as a Live Online event in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The 2020 event includes new Virtual NetWars and Capture the Flag challenges, hands-on labs in a virtual environment, and dedicated chat channels so attendees don't miss out on the power of networking that draws so many cybersecurity professionals to conferences and events each year.

Cost to Attend:

  • Prices vary by course
  • Courses range from $3,045 to $7,020

7. The Renaissance® Cyber Series
May 12, 2020

The Renaissance® Cyber Series

The Renaissance® Cyber Series features key vendors in the company's portfolio focusing on cost-effective and managed security solutions for small and mid-sized enterprises. The event includes an expo, offering opportunities for attendees to meet world leaders in cybersecurity, and talks and presentations with insights from leading cybersecurity experts.

Cost to Attend: Contact for more information

8. CSO Virtual Roundtable: IT Security Northwest Region
May 13, 2020

CSO Virtual Roundtable: IT Security Northwest Region

Featuring a live video meeting led by CSO Senior Vice President/Publisher Bob Bragdon, an intimate gathering of senior IT and security leaders from diverse industries, and a secure, private conversation open only to a select group of participants, the CSO Virtual Roundtable is a valuable experience for attendees. This year's event focuses on topics relevant for today, such as strategies for addressing gaps in resilience plans, roadmaps to assess risks over the next five years, adapting to a new structure for security environments, and the importance of securing and governing access while managing digital identities.

Cost to Attend: Contact for more information

9. Blacks in Cybersecurity Virtual Conference 2020
May 16, 2020

Blacks in Cybersecurity Virtual Conference 2020

Blacks in Cybersecurity™ is a meetup group and conference series focused on highlighting and elevating minorities in cybersecurity. The Blacks in Cybersecurity Virtual Conference 2020 features an impressive lineup of speakers and panels covering topics such as navigating cybersecurity careers, malware analysis for incident responders, biocybersecurity, cloud security strategy, and more. Talks are recorded and published on the group's YouTube channel for on-demand viewing, and a virtual CTF event also takes place.

Cost to Attend: Talks are viewable free on-demand

10. 41st IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy
May 18-20, 2020

41st IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy

Converted into an all-digital experience in response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the 2020 IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy marks the 41st anniversary of the event. The IEEE Symposium on Security and Privacy has been a premier forum for presenting developments in the security and privacy fields since 1980. The Symposium takes place from May 18th to 20th, and Security and Privacy Workshops will be held on May 21st.

Cost to Attend: Contact for more information

11. FS-ISAC Americas Spring Virtual Summit
May 19-20, 2020

FS-ISAC Americas Spring Virtual Summit

The FS-ISAC Americas Spring Virtual Summit focuses on cybersecurity in the financial services sector and includes a mix of live and on-demand sessions covering topics such as threat intelligence, fraud, risk management, cloud and virtual environments, resiliency, and testing and assurance. Important aspects of the new member experience are covered, and training sessions, demos, and other opportunities take place as well. This year's event addresses the current challenges facing the industry, which has had to adapt to both employees and customers had to adapt to operating virtually nearly overnight – and the endless opportunity this situation presents for cybercriminals.

Cost to Attend: Free for FS-ISAC members

12. CSO Virtual Roundtable: IT Security Central Region
May 20, 2020

CSO Virtual Roundtable: IT Security Central Region

Join an intimate gathering of senior IT and security leaders at the CSO Virtual Roundtable: IT Security Central Region virtual event. Featuring a secure, private conversation exclusive to a carefully vetted group, you'll discuss topics such as strategies for addressing gaps in resilience plans, the importance of securing and governing access while maintaining digital identities, and other topics of interest and pressing challenges facing cybersecurity leaders in today's unique environment.

Cost to Attend: Contact for more information

13. SANS Cloud Security Summit & Training
May 26 - June 5, 2020

SANS Cloud Security Summit & Training

In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, the SANS Institute has converted its Cloud Security Summit & Training event into a Live Online event taking place Thursday, May 28th and Friday, May 29th, with course offerings beginning June 1st and running through June 5th. Attendees receive two days of in-depth cloud cybersecurity talks along with closely aligned SANS courses such as Secure DevOps and Cloud Security Architecture. When you register for an associated Cloud Security Summit Course, you can attend the Summit free of charge.

Cost to Attend:

  • Prices vary by course
  • Courses range from $6,090 to $6,600
  • Summit only: $450

14. GDPR2 Conference
May 28, 2020

GDPR2 Conference

The GDPR2 Conference is an economic forum for best practices for data protection in Europe. Taking place virtually this year, the GDPR2 Conference targets executive directors, consultants, and data protection officers of companies or associations, as well as attorneys, risk managers, and IT controllers who have to face the challenges of implementing GDPR. The conference provides a platform for exchanging ideas, experiences, and best practices with other economic operators and data protection professionals. This year's event focuses on reinforcing the data protection strategies that have proven to work and identifying aspects of GDPR still in need of reform.

Cost to Attend: Free

15. 2020 SIA GovSummit
June 1-4, 2020

2020 SIA GovSummit

Hosted by the Security Industry Association, the 2020 SIA GovSummit is being held virtually. The conference aims to connect government, security, and technology and is free for both industry and government attendees. SIA GovSummit 2020 explores how security technologies can be used to drive success in government initiatives, policies and legislation impacting security technology, emerging technologies relevant to public sector and homeland security, as well as best practices for securing public spaces, facilities, and venues. This year's virtual event will be held in four three-hour segments spanning Monday June 1st through Thursday June 4th.

Cost to Attend: Free

16. EDUCAUSE Security Professionals Conference Online
June 2-4, 2020

EDUCAUSE Security Professionals Conference Online

Featuring informative content to help information security and privacy professionals working in higher education settings address the current challenges facing their organizations, the EDUCAUSE Security Professionals Conference takes place online in June 2020. The event will feature both live presenations and on-demand recordings, corporate exhibits, and ways for attendees to connect with fellow higher education security and privacy professionals.

Cost to Attend:

  • EDUCAUSE Members: $442
  • EDUCAUSE Non-Members: $869

17. Infosecurity Europe
June 2-4, 2020

Infosecurity Europe

Infosecurity Europe 2020 has been postponed due to the COVID-19 pandemic; however, attendees can participate in a virtual program of content being offered from June 2nd through June 4th. This three-day webinar program aims to keep information security professionals informed of the latest developments related to the most pressing topics in the industry today. Learn how your organization can enhance resiliency and cope, recover, and learn from security incidents, how to implement human risk-management strategies, and how to empower your security team to adapt more readily and address ongoing challenges.

Cost to Attend: Free

18. 44CONnect
June 4, 2020

44CON will be holding its first-ever virtual conference on June 4th, offering two insightful talks as well as some open discussion. No browser plugins are required, but you'll have to bring your own burgers and beer. If you've attended 44CON training within the past 12 months, you'll receive an email invite to the virtual event; otherwise, you can reach out via email to express your interest in attending.

Cost to Attend: Contact for more information

19. Layer 8 Conference
June 4-6, 2020

Layer 8 Conference

The only conference in the world dedicated to social engineering and open source intelligence (OSINT) discussions, the Layer 8 Conference offers multiple presentation tracks with talks from world-class presenters, a TOOOL Lockpicking Village, sponsored by TrustedSec, where you can learn to pick a lock, and a Mental Health Hackers Village with a unique track of talks and tips for improving mental and physical health. Two-hour improv workshops focus on helping social engineers improve their improvisational skills, and a variety of training opportunities are also offered. Virtual workshops and training sessions organized by WorkshopCon take place on June 4th and 5th, with the main conference happening virtually on June 6th.

Cost to Attend:

  • Conference admission included with workshops
  • TOOOL Supporter: $70
  • Mental Health Hackers Supporter: $70
  • Innocent Lives Foundation Supporter: $70
  • Conference Attendee: $60
  • Improv Workshop - Friday: $40
  • Improv Workshop - Saturday: $40
  • WorkshopCon Workshop Pricing: Ranges from $300-$2,550 (click here for workshop pricing details)

20. SANS HackFest & Ranges Summit
June 4-13, 2020

SANS Rocky Mountain HackFest

SANS has converted the popular Rocky Mountain HackFest event into a Live Online event in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. The Pen Test HackFest & Cyber Ranges Summit take place on June 4th and 5th, featuring live-streamed expert talks, virtual networking opportunities, and Q&A sessions. Following the Summit, online courses begin June 8th and run through June 13th. Summit tracks include the HackFest track or Cyber Ranges track, and attendees have the opportunity to participate in several Cyber Ranges and Challenges.

Cost to Attend:

  • Prices vary by course
  • Courses range from $5,265 to $7,020

21. Identiverse
June 8-11, 2020


Known as the Identity Industry Conference, Identiverse pivots to a virtual delivery model in 2020, featuring identity industry experts offering information-rich sessions on industry trends, best practices, and emerging technologies to give attendees an edge in the evolving identity security landscape. Attendees benefit from education and insight into the future of identity, plus opportunities to collaborate and network with the best and brightest minds in the industry.

Cost to Attend: Contact for more information

22. CircleCityCon
June 12-14, 2020


With year after year record-breaking attendance, CircleCityCon is an increasingly popular cybersecurity conference. CircleCityCon 7.0 is going virtual in response to the coronavirus pandemic, conference organizers promise to test their limits to deliver a truly unique experience for attendees. CircleCityCon is an action-packed event featuring everything from evening game shows you can watch or participate in, a variety of villages including the Hardware Hacking Village, Bio Hacking Village, and Blue Team Village, among others, a job fair, free training opportunities, and so much more.

Cost to Attend:

  • Virtual Conference Access: $75
  • Virtual + 8.0 Discount: $100 (includes $25 off next year's ticket of $100 or more and a pack of stickers)
  • Virtual + Basic Swag: $125 (includes $25 off next year's ticket of $100 or more and a 2020 Patch or Challenge Coin and sticker)
  • Virtual + More Swag: $150 (includes $25 off next year's ticket of $100 or more and a 2020 Patch, Challenge Coin and pack of stickers)

23. SANSFIRE 2020
June 13-20, 2020

SANSFIRE 2020 offers interactive, live-stream cybersecurity training courses, including new Virtual NetWars and Capture the Flag challenges, dedicated chat channels for networking, and content-loaded virtual bonus sessions. Participate in hands-on labs in a virtual environment and engage in exciting community experiences from a distance when you attend the virtual SANSFIRE 2020. You'll also get four months of access to the archive of your course lectures so you can review to reinforce your learning after the live event.

Cost to Attend:

  • Prices vary by course
  • Courses range from $2,800 to $7,020

24. Cyber Science 2020
June 15-19, 2020

Cyber Science 2020

Registration for the virtual Cyber Science 2020 event includes five-day access to virtual programming, including all keynote presentations, industry talks and a virtual poster session, virtual access to all online conference presentations including CyberSA 2020, Social Media 2020, Cyber Security 2020 & Cyber Incident 2020, and more. Attendees will receive a certificate of participation, and you'll get on-demand accesss to all presentations and workshops through an exclusive members-only area. Workshops include the Cyber Insurance & Risk Decisions Workshop (CIRC 2020) and the Workshop on Secure Software Engineering in DevOps and Agile Development (SecSE 2020).

Cost to Attend:

  • IEEE Members: £90
  • Non-IEEE Members: £100
  • 15 Attendees (access to all virtual events and workshops): £500
  • 50 Attendees (access to all virtual events and workshops): £1,000

25. CyNam
June 18, 2020


CyNam is a regional event enabling networking, collaboration, and innovation within the cyber technology industry in the Cheltenham area, with a focus on establishing Cheltenham as the cyber hub of the United Kingdom. The CyNam community consists of developing tech and cyber security businesses in the region, professional services, and some of the country's leading industry experts. The event connects cyber security professionals, local small and mid-sized enterprises, and startups with advice, knowledge, and business opportunities.

Cost to Attend: Free

26. Cyberjutsu Con
June 20, 2020

Cyberjutsu Con

The Women's Society of Cyberjutsu is a 501(c)(3) organization dedicated to advancing women in cybersecurity careers. The Cyberjutsu Con is a day full of hands-on training in offensive or defensive security. Attendees will learn about advanced topics in cyber and get valuable career advice from leading industry professionals. With a Capture the Flag event, networking opportunities, and more, this is a valuable virtual event for professionals in the cybersecurity field.

Cost to Attend: Free for WSC paid members (women and men)

27. fwd:cloudsec
June 29, 2020


At fwd;cloudsec, attendees can participate in discussions about all the major cloud platforms, limitations of security features, attack and defense research, and the pros and cons of various security strategies. Typically hosted near AWS re:inforce, although not co-located or affiliated with AWS, fwd:cloudsec aims to explore the topics not likely to be addressed at AWS re:inforce.

Cost to Attend: Free

28. RSA Conference 2020 APJ
July 15-17, 2020

RSA Conference 2020 APJ

The RSA Conference 2020 - Asia Pacific & Japan is now a virtual event you can attend free from anywhere in the world. The event will be held during Singapore business hours, providing opportunities for attendees to connect with peers and discuss the latest cybersecurity threats and strategies for combating them. Attendees will have access to dozens of sessions encompassing both global and regional issues in cybersecurity, in addition to networking and interactive programming.

Cost to Attend: Free

29. Black Hat USA

August 1-6, 2020

Black Hat USA

Black Hat USA is the world's leading information security conference. Now in its 23rd year, Black Hat USA will be held entirely virtual in 2020 while still offering attendees the latest security research, security developments, and emerging trends they've come to expect from Black Hat. Trainings will be held from August 1st through the 4th, with briefings taking place on August 5th and 6th. Take advantage of hands-on offensive and defensive skill-building opportunities in courses taught by sought-after industry and subject matter experts, and learn the latest in cutting-edge research on information security risks and trends from security experts from around the world.

Cost to Attend: $995

30. DEF CON 28
August 6-9, 2020


DEF CON is a leading hacking conference and one of the most popular cybersecurity conferences held each year. Due to the lack of a way to bring attendees together in person in Las Vegas while keeping them safe in early August, DEF CON 28 SAFE MODE will be held virtually. The DEF CON Forums are being used to coordinate the various ways for participants to get involved in the online event, and on August 6th, the DEF CON server will open up for attendees to join and begin their DEF CON 28 SAFE MODE experience. Attendees can look forward to a new online Mystery Challenge, remote Capture the Flag events, villages, contests, and even a remote movie night.

Cost to Attend: Free

31. The Diana Initiative
August 6-7, 2020

The Diana Initiative

The Diana Initiative is focused on women, inclusion, and diversity in information security. The organization's 2020 event is now taking place virtually in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Featuring multiple speaker tracks, villages with hands-on workshops, and a women-led Capture the Flag event, The Diana Initiative offers many opportunities for attendees to engage with the most pressing information security topics of the day. This year's slogan is "Breaking Boundaries Byte by Byte," with the aim of focusing on the various ways that gender, sexuality, skill level, red/blue/purple team alignment, and other representation in cybersecurity can help protect data today and tomorrow.

Cost to Attend: Contact for more information

32. AusCERT 2020
September 15-18, 2020

AusCERT 2020

AusCERT is the oldest cybersecurity conference in Australia, attracting about 800 participants or more and approximately 50 sponsors. The 19th annual AusCERT Conference will be held virtually this September, featuring more than 50 speakers, plus workshops, tutorials, networking opportunities, and more. Attendees can attend sessions, interact with cybersecurity and information security thought leaders, and network with peers from around the world, all from the comfort of their home or office at AusCERT 2020, with live-streamed virtual tutorials taking place on September 15th and 16th and a mix of live and pre-recorded conference presentations on the 17th and 18th.

Cost to Attend: Contact for more information

33. 31st ISF Annual World Congress
November 16 - 18, 2020

31st ISF World Congress

The leading international conference for information security professionals, the 31st ISF Annual World Congress is a must-attend event for any serious professional in the field. This event is the Information Security Forum's flagship global event offering attendees an opportunity to discuss and find solutions to current security challenges, gain practical advice from trusted peers, and interact with leading industry experts from around the globe. As a result of the COVID-19 pandemic and in line with the local government's issued public health guidance, ISF is holding this year's Annual World Congress as an online event.

Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost

34. SANS Security Awareness Summit
December 1-4, 2020

SANS Security Awareness Summit

While it's not happening until December, the SANS Security Awareness Summit is scheduled to take place in Austin, TX but will also be streamed live online, so it's one you can register for now with the reassurance of knowing you'll be able to attend regardless of the COVID-19 situation later this year. Attendees participate in two days of interactive talks and information-sharing sessions and have ample networking opportunities with fellow security awareness professionals, even virtually.

Cost to Attend:

  • Summit: $1,500
  • Courses: $2,800 each

35. BSides
Multiple Dates


BSides is a "community-driven framework for building events for and by information security community members." Events are held each year in various locations around the world, providing opportunities for security professionals to present and participate in a collaborative atmosphere. Events include demos, discussions, and ample networking opportunities for attendees. In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, scheduled BSides events in many locations have changed to virtual-only events, particularly those slated to take place over the next few months, such as San Antonio, Texas, now happening virtually on July 11th, Boston, Massachusetts, now taking place virtually on September 26th, and others. A full listing of upcoming BSides event postponements and those that have changed to virtual-only delivery is available on the Security BSides home page.

Cost to Attend: Pricing may vary by location. Visit local event pages for more information.

36. Data Connectors
Multiple Dates

Data Connectors

Data Connectors is the largest cybersecurity community in North America, holding a number of events in more than 40 locations throughout the year. Data Connectors has always offered virtual conferences and web briefings in addition to its in-person events, but currently, all Data Connectors events scheduled throughout the remainder of 2020 will now be held virtually. Data Connectors offers a fully immersive virtual event experience including live keynotes, real-time speaking sessions, Q&A panels, moderated CISO panels, and interactive virtual exhibit booths for vendors to showcase their solutions. A full list of upcoming virtual events and dates can be found here.

Cost to Attend: Free

Multiple Dates


OPCDE refers to opcode, short for operational code. Offering high-end cybersecurity events aiming to promote innovative research, OPCDE decided to take its events online in response to the COVID-19 pandemic. Events are held every two weeks or more often on YouTube or Twitch, each featuring a series of 30-minute talks.

Cost to Attend: Free

38. SecurityWeek Security Summits
Multiple Dates

Security Summits

SecurityWeek's Security Summits are a series of virtual conferences bringing together attendees from around the world to discuss the latest cybersecurity trends and the emerging cybersecurity threats facing businesses today. Attendees have opportunities to interact with speakers and sponsors, gain valuable insights on the latest security strategies, and network with peers in dedicated networking lounges. Upcoming events include Enterprise Lockdown, Threat Intelligence Summit, ICS Lockdown, Cloud Security Summit, Threat Hunting Summit, a Virtual CISO Forum, and IoT Lockdown.

Cost to Attend: Contact for more information

39. SANS Cybersecurity Training Courses
Multiple Dates

SANS Cybersecurity Training Courses

The SANS Institute is well-known for hosting a variety of conferences and training events throughout the year, both in-person and virtually. Currently, SANS offers 45 courses available online, led by the same world-class SANS instructors and delivering the same valuable learning experiences as you'd get by attending a SANS Live Training event. All SANS Online Training courses include extended access to course content, hands-on labs in a virtual environment, and more. In addition to its Live Online courses, SANS also offers a variety of on-demand online courses.

Cost to Attend:

  • Pricing varies by course
  • Most courses range from $2,800 to $7,020

In-Person Events for 2019:

We've included 50 of our must-attend infosec conferences of 2019 in hopes of updating the list for 2021, or when more information becomes available about the conferences.

Q1 2019 InfoSec Conferences & Events

1. Cyber Threat Intelligence Summit
January 21 - January 28, 2019
Arlington, VA

The SANS Institute hosts this informative event, featuring talks from some of the industry's most recognized security leaders. The event focuses on enabling organizations to build effective cyber threat intelligence analysis capabilities. Several courses are offered throughout this week-long event, giving attendees the chance to earn CPEs while staying abreast of the latest advancements in cyber security.

Cost to Attend:

  • Summit: $1,890
  • Courses: Price varies but courses start at $769
  • NetWars Tournament: $1,695

2. SANS Security East 2019
February 2 - 9, 2019
New Orleans, LA

SANS cyber security training goes beyond theory, incorporating real-world examples and practical techniques you can apply directly to your work. Join SANS Security East 2019 (February 2-9) in New Orleans, and choose from 30 information security courses. Remote attendance is also available.

Cost to Attend:

  • Pricing varies by course; most courses $6,610
  • Special Core NetWars Experience: $1,695, free with a 4-6 day course
  • Cyber Defence NetWars Tournament: $1,695, free with a 4-6 day course
  • Full course list and pricing options available here

3. Nullcon Conference
March 1 - 2, 2019

Founded in 2010, Nullcon aims to provide an integrated platform for the exchange of information related to zero-day vulnerabilities, the latest attack vectors, and unknown threats. In 2018, Nullcon brought together 1,450 attendees, 73 speakers, 34 sponsors and partners, and 20 exhibitors to take part in 13 advanced training sessions and 8 workshops and villages. Attend Nullcon for hands-on training on various security topics, take part in a Hacking Village, interact with globally renowned security researchers, and more.

Cost to Attend (+18% GST Applicable):


  • Individual Conference Pass: INR 6999 / $162
  • Student Pass: INR 2999 / $69
  • Corporate Conference Pass: INR 9999 / $231
  • 2-Day Training: INR 26999 / $624
  • 3-Day Training: INR 36999 / $855

At Conference:

  • Individual Conference Pass: INR 8999 / $208
  • Student Pass: INR 3499 / $81
  • Corporate Conference Pass: INR 12999 / $300
  • 2-Day Training: INR 31999 / $739
  • 3-Day Training: INR 42999 / $993

4. RSA Conference United States 2019
March 4 - 8, 2019
San Francisco, CA

RSA Conference is the must-attend event if you want to discover new security approaches, demo the latest technology, and interact with the world's security leaders. An engaging experience that will inspire and empower you, RSA Conference USA 2018 featured an RSAC Innovation Sandbox, hands-on sessions, Peer2Peer sessions, and more.

Cost to Attend:

Standard Period (February 2 - March 1, 2019):

  • Full Conference Pass: $2,595
  • Full Conference Student/Faculty Pass: $825
  • Full Conference One-Day Pass: $1,435
  • Full Conference Group (5+) Discount: $2,495
  • Full Conference Group (20+) Discount: $2,395

On-Site Period (March 2 - March 8, 2019):

  • Full Conference Pass: $2,895
  • Full Conference Student/Faculty Pass: $900
  • Full Conference One-Day Pass: $1,620
  • Full Conference Group (5+) Discount: $2,795
  • Full Conference Group (20+) Discount: $2,695

Other Passes Available

5. TROOPERS 2019
March 18 - 22, 2019
Heidelberg, Germany

TROOPERS consists of two days of high-end training, followed by a two-day, three-track conference, culminating in TROOPERS Roundtables on the final day of the event, where participants discuss current topics in IT security. More than 3,000 attendees have taken part in TROOPERS, and the event has featured speakers from more than 25 countries. TROOPERS is about building relationships between all types of security practitioners.

Cost to Attend (+19% VAT Applicable):

  • 2-Day Training Package: EUR 2080.00
  • All-Inclusive Package: EUR 3590.00
  • All-Inclusive NGI Package: EUR 3590.00
  • Conference & Roundtables Package: EUR 2490.00
  • Conference Package: EUR 1990.00
  • Next Generation Internet Package: EUR 1990.00

6. CanSecWest
March 20 - 22, 2019
Vancouver, British Columbia

One of the most prominent information security conferences, CanSecWest is attended by professionals spanning every corner of the globe. It's the world's most advanced conference focusing on applied digital security, bringing the industry's finest together in a relaxed environment that promotes collaboration, learning, and social networking.

Cost to Attend (not including tax):

  • Fees listed are in CAD
  • Full Invoice Price: $2,600 (door price after March 16, 2019)
  • January: $2,200
  • February $2,300
  • March 1 - 15: $2,400
  • Group rates also available

7. Women in CyberSecurity (WiCyS) 2019
March 28 - 30, 2019
Pittsburgh, PA

WiCyS 2019 is the premier cybersecurity conference bringing together industry, students, educators, government and research with a mission of recruiting, retaining and advancing women in cybersecurity careers.

Cost to Attend:

  • Conference registration fees are discounted for WiCyS members.
  • Student (only member registration allowed): $35
  • Faculty: $150 member, $250 non-member
  • Government/Non-profit: $150 member, $250 non-member
  • Industry: $400 member, $550 non-member

8. InfoSec Southwest
March 29 - 31, 2019
Austin, TX

The Austin, Texas-based InfoSec Southwest conference focuses on hacking and a wide scope of information security subjects. The conference also features daily lectures, open forums, and training events so that attendees can dive deeper into the topics that are most relevant to them.

Cost to Attend:

  • Tier 1 through Mar 1: $160
  • Tier 2 through March 31: $190
  • Military/Student: $90

Q2 2019 InfoSec Conferences & Events

9. InfoSec World
April 1 - 3, 2019
Lake Buena Vista , FL

InfoSec World is one of the most recognized information security conferences in the world. Hosted by MISTI, this event offers a lineup of conference sessions, workshops, and summits addressing the most pressing matters facing the infosec field today. Featuring a top-notch lineup of speakers, InfoSec World is the place to network with fellow professionals and stay abreast of the latest knowledge in the constantly evolving information security industry.

Cost to Attend:

  • InfoSec World 2019 Main Conference - $2,095.00 (Early Bird $1795)
  • InfoSec World 2019 World Pass Attendee - $3,995.00 (Early Bird $3695)
  • Summit-Only: $1,095.00 (Early Bird $995)
  • Workshop-Only: Costs vary
  • Expo-Only: $100.00 (Early Bird $50.00)
  • Late registration fees apply after March 29, 2019

10. SANS 2019
April 1 - 8, 2019
Orlando, FL

SANS is the global leader in information security training, offering a variety of events and conferences throughout the year. SANS 2019 takes place in April in Orlando, FL, featuring a comprehensive roster of courses for industry professionals packed with the techniques and tools you need to advance in your career. You can also get SANS training OnDemand that provides access to the e-learning programs for your chosen courses, lecture materials including audio and video, quizzes and labs, and more.

Cost to Attend:

  • Pricing varies by course and options
  • NetWars Experiences or Tournament: $1,695 each (Free with 4-6 day course)
  • Full course list and pricing information available here

11. CSO50 Conference
April 8 - 10, 2019
Scottsdale, AZ

CSO50 is an annual conference and award show for security executives held by CSO Magazine. The conference spans three days of sessions and networking events, culminating the in the presentation of the CSO50 Awards. The CSO50 Awards honor 50 enterprise security projects that "demonstrate outstanding business value and thought leadership." With speaking sessions from leading CSOs and CISOs spanning every industry and presentations on some of the year's top security success stories, CSO50 is a not-to-miss event for today's security leaders.

Cost to Attend:

Early Bird Pricing: Before February 11, 2019 - $495 single ticket, $400 per ticket (2 or more team members).

12. Atlantic Security Conference (AtlSecCon)
April 24 - 25, 2019
Halifax, Nova Scotia, Canada

The Atlantic Security Conference (AtlSecCon) brings together some of the world's brightest and darkest minds, sharing the common goal of expanding the pool of available IT security knowledge beyond its typical confines. Featuring an impressive roster of speakers representing top information security professionals, AtlSecCon is a must-attend event for today's infosec professionals.

Cost to Attend: General Admission - C$194.99

13. SOURCE Boston 2019
May 1 - 3, 2019 (Training: April 29 - 30, 2019)
Boston, MA

SOURCE Boston brings together security professionals, analysts, hackers, educators, business professionals, and other experts for an outstanding selection of speakers and activities. The Boston event is the flagship location, but SOURCE also holds other events annually throughout North America and Western Europe. Pre-conference training events are also offered on April 29th and 30th, 2019. SOURCE is "one of the only conferences that brings business, technology and security professionals together under one roof to focus on real-world, practical security solutions for some of today's toughest security issues."

Cost to Attend:

  • Standard General Admission (Early Bird): $349
  • General Admission (March 23): $495
  • At the Door Registration: $595
  • AppSecRisk Training: $499
  • Train the Trainer: $995

14. IAPP Global Privacy Summit
May 2 - 3, 2019
Washington, D.C.

The IAPP Global Privacy Summit hosts more than 3,000 privacy professionals annually. The Global Privacy Summit 2019 features keynote speakers including writer Margaret Atwood and Principal Researcher, Microsoft Research; Founder and President, Data & Society; Visiting Professor, New York University Danah Boyd. The IAPP, a non-profit organization founded in 2000, is the largest and most comprehensive global information privacy community and resource.

Cost to Attend:

Member Pricing:

  • Conference and Training Pass (4-day): $2,590
  • Conference Plus + Pass (3-day): $1995
  • Conference Pass (2-day): $1,295

Non-Member Pricing:

  • Conference and Training Pass (4-day): $3,140
  • Conference Plus + Pass (3-day): $2,345
  • Conference Pass (2-day): $1,645

Discounted rates are available for government/non-profit and academic attendees. Full pricing information and registration details can be found here.

15. Infiltrate
May 2 - 3, 2019
Miami Beach, FL

Infiltrate is a deep, technical conference emphasizing offensive security topics. At Infiltrate you'll have the opportunity to experience demonstrations on the latest technical discoveries from groundbreaking researchers – techniques you won't find anywhere else. It's a must-attend for any infosec professional focused on the technical aspects of offensive security.

Cost to Attend:

  • Past Attendees can get a discount code
  • Ticket prices vary: $475 – $1,800
  • Special bundle pricing and group rates also available
  • Find full pricing breakdown here

16. SANS Security West 2019
May 9 - 16, 2019
San Diego, CA

Featuring more than 30 courses taught by real-world practitioners, SANS Security West 2019 is a must-attend event for information security professionals seeking hands-on, immersion-style security training on the most pressing and relevant security topics of today. If you're not able to make it to San Diego, you can still take advantage of this informative event by attending remotely.

Cost to Attend:

  • Courses range from $2,640 to $6,610
  • Full course list and pricing information available here
  • Core NetWars Experience and DFIR NetWars Tournament: $1,695 each, or free with a 4-6 day course

17. Secure360 Twin Cities
May 14 - 15, 2019
Prior Lake, MN

The premier educational conference in the Upper Midwest for the information risk management and security industry, Secure360 is a top infosec conference in the U.S. The event focuses on cybersecurity, governance, risk and compliance, physical security, business continuity management, and professional development, offering collaboration and education for your entire team.

Cost to Attend:

  • UMSA Members: $649 ($599 through February 28)
  • Regular Attendees: $699 ($649 through February 28)
  • On-Site Main Conference: $749
  • Daily Pass Pricing: $349 (Early Bird Members)
  • Daily Pass Pricing $399 (Early Bird Regular Attendees)
  • Daily Pass On-Site: $499
  • Group discounts available
  • Full pricing and registration information can be found here

18. TechNet Cyber 2019
May 14 - 16, 2019
Baltimore, MD

The U.S. Defense Information Systems Agency now has a role in the cyber domain as a network defender, which creates a formal relationship between DISA, U.S. Cyber Command, and the command's military service components. The matrix of participating organizations involved in this overall effort will convene at the AFCEA Defensive Cyber Operations Symposium to continue efforts on adapting technical solutions and enterprise management to improve efficiency, security, and reliability.

Cost to Attend:

Full Conference:

  • Active Military/Government (Member/Non-Member): FREE
  • AFCEA Member - Industry/Contractor/Academia/Other: $595
  • Non Member - Industry/Contractor/Academia/Other: $695
  • AFCEA Member - Small Business: $475

Exhibit Hall Only:

  • AFCEA Member - Industry/Contractor/Academia/Other: $195
  • Non Member - Industry/Contractor/Academia/Other: $275
  • AFCEA Member - Small Business: $150

May 17 - 19, 2019
Miami Beach, FL

The annual HACKMIAMI Conference brings together hackers and information security professionals from around the globe. This event is known for uniting the brightest minds in the information security industry and the digital underground under one roof.

Cost to Attend:

  • General Admission Badge (Early Bird): $109.99
  • Various Training courses: $1,499.99

20. Securi-Tay
May 18 - 19, 2019
Dundee, U.K.

Held by the Ethical Hacking Society at Abertay University, Securi-Tay is now a two-day event due to the sell-out success of Securi-Tay 2017. A must-attend event for anyone interested in hacking and information security, Securi-Tay aims to provide an informative, engaging experience for industry newbies and conference veterans alike. Securi-Tay features talks from industry professionals and students as well as workshops for mastering the most important skills needed to thrive in the field.

Cost to Attend: Standard tickets are £25, student tickets £20

21. 40th IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy
May 20 - 22, 2019
San Francisco, CA

The IEEE Symposium has been the premier forum for presenting developments in computer security and electronic privacy since 1980. Recognized for bringing together researchers and practitioners in the field, the 40th IEEE Symposium on Security & Privacy features an impressive lineup encompassing topics such as technology and consumer protection, deep learning and security, privacy engineering, and more.

Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost

22. CircleCityCon
May 31 - June 2, 2019
Indianapolis, IN

CircleCityCon held its inaugural event in 2015 in Indianapolis, returning in 2019 with three action-packed days of community-led training classes, entertainment, and more. Choose from different tracks to participate in the opportunities in line with your interests, connect with and learn from industry peers, and experience an information security event like no other.

Cost to Attend:

  • $125.00 + $9.02 fee through March 1st
  • Student Ticket: $100 + $7.62 fee through May 31st

23. Ignite
June 3 - 6, 2019
Austin, TX

Get your toughest security challenges solved at Ignite, featuring interactive and educational sessions that equip you with the latest knowledge you need to enable applications while keeping your computing environment secure from advanced cyber threats. Hands-on sessions with leading experts, 1:1s, and interactive labs are just some of the valuable experiences you can take advantage of at Ignite. The 2018 event held more Cyber Range trainings than ever before and 2019 is shaping up strong.

Cost to Attend: Individual Conference Pass: $1,745 ($1,545 until March 31, 2019)

24. Infosecurity Europe
June 4 - 6, 2019
Olympia, London, U.K.

Infosecurity Europe is Europe's number one information security event. With over 400 exhibitors, an unrivaled education program, and more than 19,500 attendees, Infosecurity Europe is one of the leading industry events for learning the latest best practices, case studies, and critical business insight.

Cost to Attend: Register for pricing information

25. FIRST Conference
June 16 - 21, 2019

The 31st annual FIRST Conference will be held in Edinburgh. FIRST is a not-for-profit organization consisting of trusted computer incident response teams to handle security incidents cooperatively and promote incident prevention programs. You don't have to be a FIRST member in order to attend the conference, which aims to promote coordination and collaboration among computer incident response teams around the world. The FIRST Conference provides a forum for sharing goals, information, and ideas to further global incident response and security.

Cost to Attend:

  • Early Bird - Non-Member (by 18:00 GMT, February 21, 2019): $1,900
  • Early Bird - Member (by 18:00 GMT, February 21, 2019): $1,500
  • Standard - Non-Member (after 18:00 GMT, February 21, 2019): $2,300
  • Standard - Member (after 18:00 GMT, February 21, 2019): $1,850
  • Single Day Fee: $800
  • Two-Day Fee: $1,600
  • Full Time Graduate or Doctoral Computer Security Student: $900

26. Gartner Security and Risk Management Summit
June 17 - 20, 2019
National Harbor, MD

The Gartner Security and Risk Management Summit provides attendees with best practices and strategies to maintain cost-effective security and risk programs to support digital business and drive enterprise success. The Gartner Security & Risk Management Summit 2019 is taking place from June 17 - 20, 2019 in National Harbor, MD. Find information on other upcoming Gartner Symposiums and Summit Events here.

Cost to Attend:

  • Gartner Security and Risk Management Summit 2019: $3,700 (Standard Conference Price)
  • Public Sector Price: $3,150
  • Early bird discounts available for pre-registration for most events
  • Group rate discounts available

27. Security Operations Summit & Training
June 21 - July 1, 2019
New Orleans, LA

Bringing together industry experts and peers to discuss the challenges facing cybersecurity professionals, the SANS Security Operations Center (SOC) Summit is a valuable experience for any security professional wanting to gain actionable knowledge and advice from top professionals that can be implemented immediately within your organization. The 2019 summit features six courses led by six experienced practitioners as well as an add-on NetWars tournament.

Cost to Attend:

  • Courses: Pricing varies by course
  • Courses Prices are$6,610
  • Security Operations Summit cost: $1,890
  • Full course breakdown and pricing information available here

28. Nuit du Hack
TBD (Specific dates not yet available)
(Last held June 30 - July 1, 2018)
The Cité des Sciences et de l'Industrie, Paris

The largest annual hacking gathering in France, Nuit du Hack is open to all curious technophiles, both novices and experienced professionals. Attendees gather around lectures and challenges to discuss the latest advances in IT security and assess or improve their skill levels.

Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost and registration information

Q3 2019 InfoSec Conferences & Events

29. SANSFIRE 2019
July 15 - 22, 2019
Washington, D.C.

At SANSFIRE 2019, you'll experience hands-on, immersion-style security training courses led by real-world practitioners. Improve your information security skills and get the training you need to excel in your career at SANSFIRE, choosing from more than 40 course offerings taught by real-world professionals and practitioners across a variety of disciplines.

Cost to Attend:

  • Cost varies by course
  • Courses range from $1,695 to $6,610
  • Full course offerings and cost information here

30. Black Hat United States
August 3 - 8, 2019
Las Vegas, NV

Black Hat USA is one of the most widely recognized information security conferences, offering a breadth of courses and training opportunities. From beginner hacking training to master-level black ops hacking training for pentesters, Black Hat USA is one of the leading events for infosec professionals looking to get valuable training to stay at the top of their field.

Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost (2019 pricing details not yet available)

31. DEF CON 27
August 8 - 11, 2019
Las Vegas, NV

DEF CON started back in 1993, originally intended as a party for members of "Platinum Net," a Fido protocol-based hacking network out of Canada. Typically held in July or August, DEF CON has evolved into a much larger, more prominent event for information security professionals, attended by hackers, cryptographers, lawyers, law enforcement agents, and a variety of professionals representing a range of disciplines.

Cost to Attend: To be announced

32. 28th USENIX Security Symposium
August 14 - 16, 2019
Santa Clara, CA

The USENIX Security Symposium brings together researchers, practitioners, system administrators, programmers, and anyone interested in the latest advances in the security and privacy of computer systems and networks. USENIX is the first technical membership association offering open access to research, with a variety of events covering sysadmin, security, systems, and more.

Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost (2019 pricing details not yet available)

Q4 2019 InfoSec Conferences & Events

33. 44CON London
September 11 - 13, 2019
London, United Kingdom

44CON London is a technical IT security conference that offers three days of training sessions followed by a two day expo hall. Training sessions cover topics such as internet security, vulnerability discovery, and new exploit techniques. With talks from notable security speakers and plenty of great networking opportunities - including an official after party - 44CON is a not-miss conference for the world's information security professionals.

Cost to Attend: Attendance cost and registration information not yet available

34. DerbyCon
September 20 - 22, 2019 (training will be held September 18 - 19, 2019)
Louisville, KY

DerbyCon is the place where security professionals, hobbyists, and anyone interested in security convene to socialize, learn, and gain valuable connections with fellow professionals and enthusiasts. This five-day event includes training sessions as well as the main conference experience. Thousands of people attend DerbyCon each year, and the organizers aim to make it bigger and better year after year.

Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost

35. AppSec United States (OWASP National Conference)
TBD (Specific dates not yet available)
(Last held October 8 - 12, 2018)
Location TBD

AppSec USA, the OWASP National Conference, is the premier gathering of developers, security experts, and technologists to discuss cutting edge approaches to securing web applications. AppSec is a must-attend event for any professional involved in application, devops, or cloud security. Dates have not been released for AppSec USA 2019, but it's slated to be held sometime in Fall 2019. AppSec California, another OWASP event worth attending, will be held January 22 - 25, 2019.

Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost (2019 info not yet available)

36. SecTor Canada
October 9 - 10, 2019
Toronto, Canada

Canada's premier IT security conference, SecTor Canada has built a reputation for bringing together leading experts from around the world to share the latest research and techniques related to underground threats and corporate defenses. SecTor provides an opportunity for IT practitioners and managers to connect with peers and learn from experts in the field.

Cost to Attend: Pricing details are not yet available, but rates will be published here.

37. Hacker Halted
October 10 - 11, 2019
Atlanta, GA

Hacker Halted is the EC-Council's annual information security conference. As the issuer of the Certified Ethical Hacker certification, EC-Council's Hacker Halted conference focuses on ethical hacking topics, with four days of technical training courses leading up to the conference.

Cost to Attend:

  • Conference ONLY Pass – $199
  • Ethical Hacking Courses - October 6th - 9th (all courses include a Hacker Halted conference pass)
  • Certified Ethical Hacker (CEH) – $2,999 and $2,499 early bird
  • Computer Hacking Forensic Investigator – $2,999 and $2,499 early bird
  • Certified Security Analyst (ECSA) – $2,999 and $2,499 early bird
  • Certified Chief Information Security Officer (CCISO) – $$2,999 and $2,499 early bird
  • Certified Network Defender (CND) – $2,999 and $2,499 early bird

38. BruCON
October 10 - 11, 2019

An annual security and hacker conference held in Belgium, BruCON spans three days examining critical issues in information security, privacy, and the over-arching impacts of infosec on society. The conference features workshops, leading industry speakers, and security challenges along with opportunities to engage with peers and discuss and present research impacting information security, privacy, and related topics.

Cost to Attend:

  • Pricing is not yet available.
  • Check back here for registration information.

39. ISACA Cyber Security Nexus
October 16 - 18, 2019
Geneva, Switzerland

Stay on top of the latest cybersecurity trends, further your career, and connect with fellow cybersecurity professionals from around the world at ISACA's Cyber Security Nexus, where all things cybersecurity meet. Offering unique opportunities for hands-on experience, information about the latest tactics and tools to meet the ever-growing threat, and more, Cyber Security Nexus is a must-attend event for modern infosec pros in 2019.

Cost to Attend: Full Conference Registration:

  • Member: US $1,900 + VAT
  • Non-Member: US $2,100 + VAT

Workshop only pricing not yet available.

41. DeepSec

An in-depth conference on information security held in Europe, DeepSec brings together the most renowned security professionals from myriad sectors including government, academia, and industry as well as the underground hacking community. A non-product, non-vendor-biased conference, DeepSec prides itself on neutrality, considering all discussions, talks, and workshops on merit, innovation, and value to the community alone without preference for specific companies or individuals.

Cost to Attend: 2019 pricing is not yet available.

InfoSec Conferences & Events with Multiple Dates/Locations

42. BSides Event Series
Multiple Dates
Multiple Locations

BSides is "a community-driven framework for building events for and by information security community members, with the goal of expanding the spectrum of conversation beyond the traditional confines of space and time." BSides creates opportunities for both presenting and participating in an intimate atmosphere with events offering discussion, demos, and interaction from participants. BSides events take place throughout the year in many cities across the globe, with some of the biggest and most noteworthy BSides being held in New York City, Seattle, Vancouver, and Herndon, VA, among others.

Cost to Attend: Costs vary by event and location

43. ISSA Q2 CISO Executive Forum 2019

A peer-to-peer event series offering an open-discussion environment in which members can feel free to share concerns, successes, and feedback, the ISSA CISO Executive Forum Series provides a valuable opportunity for information security professionals. The next event in this series, No Rest for the Weary: The Continued Convergence of Privacy and Security, will take place at the Hilton Hotel in Woburn, Massachusetts from June 13-14. Q3's forum, Disruptive and Emerging Technologies - Staying Ahead of the Risk, will be held in Las Vegas while Q4's, Security Metrics: Measuring Performance to Show the Value of Your Security Program, will be held in Dallas, TX.

Cost to Attend: The event is free for first time CISO guests and is subject to approval.

44. (ISC)2 Events
Multiple Dates
Multiple Locations

(ISC)2 offers a comprehensive range of quality, high-level educational events. (ISC)2 events take place throughout the year and in cities across the globe. Upcoming events focus on managing risk in the ever-changing threat landscape, advancing the cybersecurity workforce, and other pressing topics of interest to the information security community.

Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost

45. secureCISO
Multiple Dates
Multiple Locations

secureCISO is an event series by CISOsynergy that offers informative, educational events for global CISO and IT leaders. Attendees engage in thought-leading discussions on the modern issues impacting enterprise information security.

Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost

46. CISO Executive Summit Series
Multiple Dates
Multiple Locations

Evanta fosters leadership development and collaboration between North America's top executives in IT, security, and more. Evanta's CISO Executive Summits are invite-only leadership communities created by CISOs, for CISOs. These gatherings aim to provide an intimate setting for peer-to-peer discussions between today's leading CISOs.

Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost

47. SecureWorld
Multiple Dates
Multiple Locations

SecureWorld connects, informs, and develops the leaders in cybersecurity through its industry-leading events that offer more content and facilitate more professional connections than any other event in the cybersecurity industry. SecureWorld events happen in 17 major cities across North America throughout the year.

Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost

48. IANS Information Security Forums
Multiple Dates
Multiple Locations

IANS is a tech research firm focused on information security, regulatory compliance, and IT risk management. The 2018 IANS Information Security Forums consisted of faculty-led information sessions, peer-to-peer networking exchange, and an opportunity to earn CPE credits during these two-day events.

Cost to Attend: Contact for attendance cost

49. Cyber Security Summit
Multiple Dates
Multiple Locations

Cyber Security Summit connects C-suite executives with leading cyber solution providers. Upcoming events are happening in Silicon Valley, Atlanta, Denver, Philadelphia, Dallas, Seattle, Chicago, and other cities throughout the U.S. Attend a Cyber Security Summit to learn how to protect your company from cyber attacks, acquire the tools you need to protect your enterprise, and more.

Cost to Attend:

  • Executive Admission: $350
  • Government and Military Admission: $50

50. Data Connectors
Multiple Dates
Multiple Locations

Data Connectors organizes and hosts tech security conferences throughout the U.S. and Canada. Discover the latest best practices, products, and services available to the community in an educational environment. These events are valuable educational and networking opportunities for professionals interested in information security, cyber security, network security, and related disciplines. Cybersecurity conferences offered by Data Connectors qualify for CPE credits, as well.

Cost to Attend: $100 + $6.49 fee

Tags:  Events Best of InfoSec

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