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Digital Guardian Keeps your CAD in the Cradle

This video demo focuses on how Digital Guardian protects intellectual property against unauthorized exfiltration.
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fishing hooks in envelope

Digital Guardian Revokes Phishing Licenses

Watch this demo to learn how Digital Guardian protects data from phishing attacks. Phishing and its near neighbor spear phishing continue to be common and frequently successful attack vectors. Once a user launches a file they are essentially authorizing the subsequent processes, regardless of the ability for these to take over a machine or steal data in the background and without your knowledge. In this video a Digital Guardian Solution Architect demonstrates how phishing attacks can be stopped with our data protection solution. If you’re interested in seeing how this can apply in your environment, contact us and we can open your eyes to a world class data protection solution. Stay tuned for more demonstration videos to see how Digital Guardian can protect your sensitive data anytime, anywhere.

Digital Guardian for Success in Data Protection

James McCarthy discusses how Digital Guardian provides a comprehensive data protection solution emphasizing CIA - Confidentiality, Integrity, and Availability.
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Getting to data visibility and insights quickly | Optimizing Your Data Protection Part 1 of 5

Learn how organizations can leverage today’s data protection tools for visibility and insights into data flows and business processes.
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Simplifying your data protection program for quick wins | Optimizing Your Data Protection 2/5

Learn how to reduce deployment time and complexity while showing immediate value with an enterprise-wide data protection program.
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Driving security using real-time user education | Optimizing Your Data Protection 3/5

Learn how consistent and timely user education can reinforce data security while decreasing support expenses.
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Alleviate the security talent shortage with managed security | Optimizing Your Data Protection 4/5

Learn how managed security programs can let the experts who live, eat, and breathe security run your data protection program.
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bill bradley

The convergence of data protection and advanced threat defense | Optimizing Your Data Protection 5/5

Get insights into how the convergence of data protection and advanced threat protection can secure business processes from both internal and external threats.

Why you should (re)think DLP for data protection

Listen to why 451 Research sees DLP as a top security initiative and is back on the budget in many organizations.
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